Suspendisse eleifend massa commodo porta lacus bibendum?

Maecenas nec diam sollicitudin, varius velit sit amet, pulvinar nisi. Donec rutrum nisl vitae tortor interdum, at luctus ligula vulputate. Phasellus sodales leo vel eleifend congue. Mauris adipiscing quis tortor et pulvinar.

Phasellus in consequat felis. Suspendisse venenatis congue dolor ac imperdiet. Vivamus nibh erat, rutrum quis mi dictum, porta lacinia metus. Praesent ut dolor neque. Duis quis enim non felis auctor elementum. Praesent lacinia tempor arcu, in sagittis augue semper sed. Vestibulum augue nulla, facilisis vitae scelerisque ut, ullamcorper in urna. Integer ut blandit enim.


Why should I use a real estate salesperson?

Who are the best people to teach the art of selling homes? People who sell homes. It’s hard to get the insights you need about the ins and outs of selling real estate from an instructor who hasn’t sold a home in 20 years. Or a pep rally leader who’s not even a licensed REALTOR®. At Edina Realty University, all of our instructors are agents who sell, loan officers who lend and title officers who close.


I have a family friend who is a Realtor. I like her and she is a help but she gives me one price to sell my home for and I think it is too low. So I called another agent who suggested a price more in line with my expectations. Who do I choose?

Who are the best people to teach the art of selling homes? People who sell homes. It’s hard to get the insights you need about the ins and outs of selling real estate from an instructor who hasn’t sold a home in 20 years. Or a pep rally leader who’s not even a licensed REALTOR®. At Edina Realty University, all of our instructors are agents who sell, loan officers who lend and title officers who close.


What makes Edina Realty the market leader year after year? Our agents of course, plus these advantages:

You might want to consult a couple more Realtors on the market value of your home. Most of the estimates should be in the same ballpark.

It could be that your friend is being more honest with you about the value of your home and the other Realtor gave you a higher number because he already knew you expected it. This is called “Buying a Listing” and is the subject of an article on our web site.

Or it could simply be that your friend is a good friend, but not that great of a real estate agent.

Mixing business and friendships is always risky to the friendship. On the other hand, if your friend is truly competent and was providing wise advice, she may be offended if you ignore the advice and choose another agent.


liquam eget quam iaculis, sodales tellus non, gravida turpis

Vivamus tempor dui vitae molestie venenatis. In in consequat turpis, ac interdum urna. Pellentesque interdum, mauris in pharetra porttitor, dui orci fringilla est, eu rhoncus risus neque ac felis. Aenean id commodo eros. Praesent egestas neque id nulla varius hendrerit.